Source code for collie.model.matrix_factorization

from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau

from collie.model.base import BasePipeline, INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT, ScaledEmbedding, ZeroEmbedding
from collie.utils import get_init_arguments, merge_docstrings

[docs]class MatrixFactorizationModel(BasePipeline): # NOTE: the full docstring is merged in with ``BasePipeline``'s using ``merge_docstrings``. # Only the description of new or changed parameters are included in this docstring """ Training pipeline for the matrix factorization model. ``MatrixFactorizationModel`` models have an embedding layer for both users and items which are dot-producted together to output a single float ranking value. Collie adds a twist on to this incredibly popular framework by allowing separate optimizers for embeddings and bias terms. With larger datasets and multiple epochs of training, a model might incorrectly learn to only optimize the bias terms for a quicker path towards a local loss minimum, essentially memorizing how popular each item is. By using a separate, slower optimizer for the bias terms (like Stochastic Gradient Descent), the model must prioritize optimizing the embeddings for meaningful, more varied recommendations, leading to a model that is able to achieve a much lower loss. See the documentation below for ``bias_lr`` and ``bias_optimizer`` input arguments for implementation details. All ``MatrixFactorizationModel`` instances are subclasses of the ``LightningModule`` class provided by PyTorch Lightning. This means to train a model, you will need a ``collie.model.CollieTrainer`` object, but the model can be saved and loaded without this ``Trainer`` instance. Example usage may look like: .. code-block:: python from collie.model import CollieTrainer, MatrixFactorizationModel model = MatrixFactorizationModel(train=train) trainer = CollieTrainer(model) model.eval() # do evaluation as normal with ``model`` model.save_model(filename='model.pth') new_model = MatrixFactorizationModel(load_model_path='model.pth') # do evaluation as normal with ``new_model`` Parameters ---------- embedding_dim: int Number of latent factors to use for user and item embeddings dropout_p: float Probability of dropout sparse: bool Whether or not to treat embeddings as sparse tensors. If ``True``, cannot use weight decay on the optimizer bias_lr: float Bias terms learning rate. If 'infer', will set equal to ``lr`` bias_optimizer: torch.optim or str Optimizer for the bias terms. This supports the same string options as ``optimizer``, with the addition of ``infer``, which will set the optimizer equal to ``optimizer``. If ``bias_optimizer`` is ``None``, only a single optimizer will be created for all model parameters y_range: tuple Specify as ``(min, max)`` to apply a sigmoid layer to the output score of the model to get predicted ratings within the range of ``min`` and ``max`` """ def __init__(self, train: INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT = None, val: INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT = None, embedding_dim: int = 30, dropout_p: float = 0.0, sparse: bool = False, lr: float = 1e-3, bias_lr: Optional[Union[float, str]] = 1e-2, lr_scheduler_func: Optional[torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler] = partial( ReduceLROnPlateau, patience=1, verbose=True ), weight_decay: float = 0.0, optimizer: Union[str, torch.optim.Optimizer] = 'adam', bias_optimizer: Optional[Union[str, torch.optim.Optimizer]] = 'sgd', loss: Union[str, Callable[..., torch.tensor]] = 'hinge', metadata_for_loss: Optional[Dict[str, torch.tensor]] = None, metadata_for_loss_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, y_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, load_model_path: Optional[str] = None, map_location: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(**get_init_arguments()) __doc__ = merge_docstrings(BasePipeline, __doc__, __init__) def _setup_model(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Method for building model internals that rely on the data passed in. This method will be called after ``prepare_data``. """ self.user_biases = ZeroEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_users, embedding_dim=1, sparse=self.hparams.sparse) self.item_biases = ZeroEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_items, embedding_dim=1, sparse=self.hparams.sparse) self.user_embeddings = ScaledEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_users, embedding_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim, sparse=self.hparams.sparse) self.item_embeddings = ScaledEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_items, embedding_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim, sparse=self.hparams.sparse) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=self.hparams.dropout_p)
[docs] def forward(self, users: torch.tensor, items: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor: """ Forward pass through the model. Simple matrix factorization for a single user and item looks like: ````prediction = (user_embedding * item_embedding) + user_bias + item_bias```` If dropout is added, it is applied to the two embeddings and not the biases. Parameters ---------- users: tensor, 1-d Array of user indices items: tensor, 1-d Array of item indices Returns ------- preds: tensor, 1-d Predicted ratings or rankings """ user_embeddings = self.user_embeddings(users) item_embeddings = self.item_embeddings(items) preds = ( torch.mul(self.dropout(user_embeddings), self.dropout(item_embeddings)).sum(axis=1) + self.user_biases(users).squeeze(1) + self.item_biases(items).squeeze(1) ) if self.hparams.y_range is not None: preds = ( torch.sigmoid(preds) * (self.hparams.y_range[1] - self.hparams.y_range[0]) + self.hparams.y_range[0] ) return preds
def _get_item_embeddings(self) -> torch.tensor: """Get item embeddings on device.""" return def _get_user_embeddings(self) -> torch.tensor: """Get user embeddings on device.""" return