Source code for collie.model.deep_fm

from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau

from collie.model.base import BasePipeline, INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT, ScaledEmbedding, ZeroEmbedding
from collie.utils import get_init_arguments, merge_docstrings, trunc_normal

[docs]class DeepFM(BasePipeline): # NOTE: the full docstring is merged in with ``BasePipeline``'s using ``merge_docstrings``. # Only the description of new or changed parameters are included in this docstring """ Training pipeline for a deep factorization model. ``DeepFM`` models combine a shallow factorization machine and a deep multilayer perceptron network in a single, unified model. The model consists of embedding tables for users and items, and model output is the sum of 1) factorization machine output of both embeddings (shallow) and 2) MLP output for the concatenation of both embeddings (deep). The implementation here is meant to mimic its original implementation as specified here: [3]_ All ``DeepFM`` instances are subclasses of the ``LightningModule`` class provided by PyTorch Lightning. This means to train a model, you will need a ``collie.model.CollieTrainer`` object, but the model can be saved and loaded without this ``Trainer`` instance. Example usage may look like: .. code-block:: python from collie.model import CollieTrainer, DeepFM model = DeepFM(train=train) trainer = CollieTrainer(model) model.eval() # do evaluation as normal with ``model`` model.save_model(filename='model.pth') new_model = DeepFM(load_model_path='model.pth') # do evaluation as normal with ``new_model`` Parameters ---------- embedding_dim: int Number of latent factors to use for the matrix factorization embedding table. For the MLP embedding table, the dimensionality will be calculated with the formula ``embedding_dim * (2 ** (num_layers - 1))`` num_layers: int Number of MLP layers to apply. Each MLP layer will have its input dimension calculated with the formula ``embedding_dim * (2 ** (``num_layers`` - ``current_layer_number``))`` final_layer: str or function Final layer activation function. Available string options include: * 'sigmoid' * 'relu' * 'leaky_relu' dropout_p: float Probability of dropout sparse: bool Whether or not to treat embeddings as sparse tensors. If ``True``, cannot use weight decay on the optimizer bias_lr: float Bias terms learning rate. If 'infer', will set equal to ``lr`` optimizer: torch.optim or str If a string, one of the following supported optimizers: * ``'sgd'`` (for ``torch.optim.SGD``) * ``'adam'`` (for ``torch.optim.Adam``) bias_optimizer: torch.optim or str Optimizer for the bias terms. This supports the same string options as ``optimizer``, with the addition of ``infer``, which will set the optimizer equal to ``optimizer``. If ``bias_optimizer`` is ``None``, only a single optimizer will be created for all model parameters y_range: tuple Specify as ``(min, max)`` to apply a sigmoid layer to the output score of the model to get predicted ratings within the range of ``min`` and ``max`` References ---------- .. [3] Guo, Huifeng, et al. "DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine Based Neural Network for CTR Prediction.", 13 Mar. 2017, """ def __init__(self, train: INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT = None, val: INTERACTIONS_LIKE_INPUT = None, embedding_dim: int = 8, num_layers: int = 3, final_layer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[..., Any]]] = None, dropout_p: float = 0.0, lr: float = 1e-3, bias_lr: Optional[Union[float, str]] = 1e-2, lr_scheduler_func: Optional[torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler] = partial( ReduceLROnPlateau, patience=1, verbose=True ), weight_decay: float = 0.0, optimizer: Union[str, torch.optim.Optimizer] = 'adam', bias_optimizer: Optional[Union[str, torch.optim.Optimizer]] = 'sgd', loss: Union[str, Callable[..., torch.tensor]] = 'hinge', metadata_for_loss: Optional[Dict[str, torch.tensor]] = None, metadata_for_loss_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, # y_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, load_model_path: Optional[str] = None, map_location: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(**get_init_arguments()) __doc__ = merge_docstrings(BasePipeline, __doc__, __init__) def _setup_model(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Method for building model internals that rely on the data passed in. This method will be called after `prepare_data`. """ self.user_embeddings = ScaledEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_users, embedding_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim) self.item_embeddings = ScaledEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_items, embedding_dim=self.hparams.embedding_dim) self.user_biases = ZeroEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_users, embedding_dim=1) self.item_biases = ZeroEmbedding(num_embeddings=self.hparams.num_items, embedding_dim=1) self.user_global_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) self.item_global_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) mlp_modules = [] input_size = self.hparams.embedding_dim * 2 for i in range(self.hparams.num_layers): next_input_size = ( int( self.hparams.embedding_dim * 2 * ((self.hparams.num_layers - i) / (self.hparams.num_layers + 1)) ) ) mlp_modules.append(nn.Linear(input_size, next_input_size)) mlp_modules.append(nn.ReLU()) mlp_modules.append(nn.Dropout(p=self.hparams.dropout_p)) input_size = next_input_size self.mlp_layers = nn.Sequential(*mlp_modules) self.predict_layer = nn.Linear(next_input_size, 1) for m in self.mlp_layers: if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): # initialization taken from the official repo: # trunc_normal(, std=0.01) nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.predict_layer.weight, nonlinearity='relu') for m in self.modules(): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear) and m.bias is not None:
[docs] def forward(self, users: torch.tensor, items: torch.tensor) -> torch.tensor: """ Forward pass through the model. Parameters ---------- users: tensor, 1-d Array of user indices items: tensor, 1-d Array of item indices Returns ------- preds: tensor, 1-d Predicted ratings or rankings """ user_embeddings = self.user_embeddings(users) item_embeddings = self.item_embeddings(items) # FM output embedding_sum = user_embeddings + item_embeddings embedding_squared_sum = torch.pow(user_embeddings, 2) + torch.pow(item_embeddings, 2) embeddings_difference = embedding_sum - embedding_squared_sum fm_output = torch.sum(embeddings_difference, dim=1) # MLP output concatenated_embeddings =, item_embeddings), -1) mlp_output = self.predict_layer(self.mlp_layers(concatenated_embeddings)).squeeze() prediction = fm_output + mlp_output if callable(self.hparams.final_layer): prediction = self.hparams.final_layer(prediction) elif self.hparams.final_layer == 'sigmoid': prediction = torch.sigmoid(prediction) elif self.hparams.final_layer == 'relu': prediction = F.relu(prediction) elif self.hparams.final_layer == 'leaky_relu': prediction = F.leaky_relu(prediction) elif self.hparams.final_layer is not None: raise ValueError(f'{self.hparams.final_layer} not valid final layer value!') return prediction.view(-1)
def _get_item_embeddings(self) -> torch.tensor: """Get item embeddings on device.""" return def _get_user_embeddings(self) -> torch.tensor: """Get user embeddings on device.""" return