Source code for collie.loss.bpr

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

import torch

from collie.loss.metadata_utils import ideal_difference_from_metadata

[docs]def bpr_loss( positive_scores: torch.tensor, negative_scores: torch.tensor, num_items: Optional[Any] = None, positive_items: Optional[torch.tensor] = None, negative_items: Optional[torch.tensor] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, torch.tensor]] = dict(), metadata_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = dict(), ) -> torch.tensor: """ Modified Bayesian Personalised Ranking [1]_. See ``ideal_difference_from_metadata`` docstring for more info on how metadata is used. Modified from ``torchmf`` and ``Spotlight``: * * Parameters ---------- positive_scores: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing predictions for known positive items of shape ``1 x batch_size`` negative_scores: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing scores for a single sampled negative item of shape ``1 x batch_size`` num_items: Any Ignored, included only for compatability with WARP loss positive_items: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing ids for known positive items of shape ``1 x batch_size``. This is only needed if ``metadata`` is provided negative_items: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing ids for randomly-sampled negative items of shape ``1 x batch_size``. This is only needed if ``metadata`` is provided metadata: dict Keys should be strings identifying each metadata type that match keys in ``metadata_weights``. Values should be a ``torch.tensor`` of shape (num_items x 1). Each tensor should contain categorical metadata information about items (e.g. a number representing the genre of the item) metadata_weights: dict Keys should be strings identifying each metadata type that match keys in ``metadata``. Values should be the amount of weight to place on a match of that type of metadata, with the sum of all values ``<= 1``. e.g. If ``metadata_weights = {'genre': .3, 'director': .2}``, then an item is: * a 100% match if it's the same item, * a 50% match if it's a different item with the same genre and same director, * a 30% match if it's a different item with the same genre and different director, * a 20% match if it's a different item with a different genre and same director, * a 0% match if it's a different item with a different genre and different director, which is equivalent to the loss without any partial credit Returns ------- loss: torch.tensor References ---------- .. [1] Hildesheim et al. "BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback." BPR | Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1 June 2009, """ preds = positive_scores - negative_scores if metadata is not None and len(metadata) > 0: ideal_difference = ideal_difference_from_metadata( positive_items=positive_items, negative_items=negative_items, metadata=metadata, metadata_weights=metadata_weights, ) else: ideal_difference = 1 loss = (ideal_difference - torch.sigmoid(preds)) return (loss.sum() + loss.pow(2).sum()) / len(positive_scores)
[docs]def adaptive_bpr_loss( positive_scores: torch.tensor, many_negative_scores: torch.tensor, num_items: Optional[Any] = None, positive_items: Optional[torch.tensor] = None, negative_items: Optional[torch.tensor] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, torch.tensor]] = dict(), metadata_weights: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = dict(), ) -> torch.tensor: """ Modified adaptive BPR loss function. Approximates WARP loss by taking the maximum of negative predictions for each user and sending this to BPR loss. See ``ideal_difference_from_metadata`` docstring for more info on how metadata is used. Parameters ---------- positive_scores: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing scores for known positive items of shape ``num_negative_samples x batch_size`` many_negative_scores: torch.tensor, 2-d Iterable of tensors containing scores for many (n > 1) sampled negative items of shape ``num_negative_samples x batch_size``. More tensors increase the likelihood of finding ranking-violating pairs, but risk overfitting num_items: Any Ignored, included only for compatability with WARP loss positive_items: torch.tensor, 1-d Tensor containing ids for known positive items of shape ``num_negative_samples x batch_size``. This is only needed if ``metadata`` is provided negative_items: torch.tensor, 2-d Tensor containing ids for sampled negative items of shape ``num_negative_samples x batch_size``. This is only needed if ``metadata`` is provided metadata: dict Keys should be strings identifying each metadata type that match keys in ``metadata_weights``. Values should be a ``torch.tensor`` of shape (num_items x 1). Each tensor should contain categorical metadata information about items (e.g. a number representing the genre of the item) metadata_weights: dict Keys should be strings identifying each metadata type that match keys in ``metadata``. Values should be the amount of weight to place on a match of that type of metadata, with the sum of all values ``<= 1``. e.g. If ``metadata_weights = {'genre': .3, 'director': .2}``, then an item is: * a 100% match if it's the same item, * a 50% match if it's a different item with the same genre and same director, * a 30% match if it's a different item with the same genre and different director, * a 20% match if it's a different item with a different genre and same director, * a 0% match if it's a different item with a different genre and different director, which is equivalent to the loss without any partial credit Returns ------- loss: torch.tensor """ highest_negative_scores, highest_negative_inds = torch.max(many_negative_scores, 0) if negative_items is not None and positive_items is not None: negative_items = ( negative_items[highest_negative_inds, torch.arange(len(positive_items))].squeeze() ) return bpr_loss( positive_scores, highest_negative_scores.squeeze(), positive_items=positive_items, negative_items=negative_items, metadata=metadata, metadata_weights=metadata_weights, )